Yorkshire Care (YS)

Yorkshire arrived home at the time you do not expect to immediately hear the sound directly Yorkshire Yorkshire or sound, you must be patient in maintaining Yorkshire. The initial phase of pemiliharaan YS is maintaining his health, make sure the feed is nutritious food that feed must be clean (if there are given food or mixed with imported food between food imports and local food) and into the drinking water were given vitamins, many kinds of vitamins you can look at a bird market .

In the early stages of YS should not be bathed in a way given the place sprayed enough to drink (tube) large bath let alone dicepuk YS drinking water, after a shower try to sun-dried. In not too long drying enough or at the latest 10 minutes 30 Minute .. Imported canaries average no resistance to high winds so when dried YS try not directly affected by strong winds. To maintain peace and disturbance of the mosquito cage must dikerodong YS.

The first two weeks are critical periods in the maintenance of YS walnuts, if it can pass through the critical process of fishing selanjutkan YS reads ... there are some tricks to fishing YS want to read. Beginning the process of bonding with walnuts YS who diligently reads / gacor try walnuts gacor YS do not see enough to listen to his voice ... YS including walnut easy dimaster my advice please be careful in memaster YS fear not a good canary voice heard ... .. or intruding sound less good walnut ...

Waiting for your advantage

If you read the article at the beginning ... .... maintaining Yorkshire (YS) seems very complicated and I think it's quite complicated but reversed keribetan exists a fairly high economic value, not everyone is able to do keribetan ... ... so for those of you who want to profit from cattle walnut me try your suggestion of livestock Yorkshire because there are still many opportunities and the market is quite open.

In accordance with the proverb that there is no free lunch in this world he said there's nothing for free all you have to pay ... ... if you want to generate huge profits must dare to spend huge capital and should be able to accept the risk is too great even though there was the incident with little capital can generate big profits but very few lucky people in this world, the average capital gains, linear & ... ... the greater the risk is the risk the greater the profit.

If you succeed you call it Yorkshire farm have created their own ATM hehe ... I tried to give an overview of livestock income walnut YS. The initial capital of at least a pair of YS 3.5 million .... Cage two pieces of livestock around 150 thousand, the cost of feed for one month around 50 thousand and a means of supporting approximately 10 thousand. Distance YS bertelor until weaning children and bertelor next period of about 1.5 months and one year each YS experienced mabung one time, ever ready cattle mabung until about three months in a year YS be able to have children around six periods. If within a period of successful hatch and live up to as many as two large tails in the first year it produced 12 children .... Price a tail of about 1,250,000 local YS then in one year only with a pair of animals you can only produce 15 million with operating costs around 75 thousand per month. What if you had 10 pairs of cattle ... ... .... wuihhhh steady nguli seem not to like in this time he .. he ... ....

Constraints in the Yorkshire breed

But not as easy as counting cattle above ... ... YS many obstacles, including YS livestock process is quite complicated ... .. YS has bongsor body so it is quite difficult in the pairing process often empty egg (without fertilization), male lust and lots of hard YS YS events less intelligent females in caring for children ... ... .. If you successfully pass above the obstacles you have to create an ATM that can be swiped once every 1.5 months hehe ... ... ..

First such description of livestock Yorkshire I feel there are still many deficiencies in this paper, I am very thankful if you are willing to provide advice and input ... ...

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